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Telephone: +44 (0)20 8746 1700

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Rex London is the home of gifts that are perfect for every occasion, and every non-occasion. With over one thousand lines available across many categories and new products added nearly every week, filling your store with affordable gifts and homeware has never been easier. Plus, there's no minimum order value and free delivery is available over £250.


Categories: Children's products/games, General giftware, Homeware, Stationery/desk items


Children's products/games

Children's Toys & Games

Discover an amazing range of toys and games to keep kids engaged and entertained. Our colourful collection includes classic wooden toys, traditional games and craft kits loved by boys and girls alike.


General giftware

Gifts for every occasion

Rex London is the home of gifts that are perfect for every occasion, and every non-occasion. They call them Gifts of Random Kindness: beautiful products that you can afford to give whenever you want. Not only because they'll bring joy, but because they’re always equally beautifully priced. After all, a special occasion doesn’t have to be a birthday or Mother’s Day or Christmas. It can just be, “I saw this and thought of you.”




A bright and bold collection of on-trend homeware for every room, from retro kitchens to colourful playrooms. The range includes storage, decoration and soft furnishings.


Stationery/desk items


There's a solution for every stationery addict in your shop. From colouring pencils, paints and rulers, to lined notebooks and novelty erasers, the Rex London stationery collection contains something for all ages and tastes.